
Which Powers Gives Congress The Most Flexibility To Adapt To Unforeseen Future Changes

We terminal amended the Constitution a generation ago.

So much has changed since then.

The viral-similar spread of the Net was ii years away. Pagers were however gaining in popularity. Arugula was rare in grocery shop aisles.

The economy was starting to recover from a recession, gliding its way into a tech boom. Nosotros had a mix of conviction and healthy skepticism in our authorities, after having crushed Saddam Hussein'south Iraq in war. At the southern tip of Manhattan, the World Trade Center towers stood as ii exclamation points on a magnificent skyline.

The 27th Subpoena passed dorsum in 1992 now seems like a historical footnote, rather than a prophetic statement of values. It stopped Congress from hiking its salaries mid-session, a symbolic human activity that did little to meliorate the public's opinion of Capitol Colina.

For the July 4th holiday, The Fiscal Times reached out to leading experts, lawmakers and academics with a simple question: How would you amend the Constitution?

Their answers, edited for space, are below:

Information technology bothers me that our Constitution excludes from the presidency all Americans who lack a U.S. citizen parent, the so-called "natural built-in denizen" clause.

I'd like to change Section 1, Commodity ii to but read, "No person except a denizen of the United States shall be eligible for the office of President." Think of all the remarkable Americans who have held high public role but have been constitutionally barred from seeking the presidency, such as Madeleine Albright (born in Czechoslovakia), Elaine Chao (Taiwan), Jennifer Granholm (Canada), and Arnold Schwarzenegger (Austria).
Stephen H. Hess , presidential scholar and senior swain emeritus, Brookings Institution

If I were able to amend the Constitution by a wave of a wand, I'd try to find some fashion to brand the 10th Amendment more than effective.

The rights of states have gradually been and so eroded that information technology's creating a congestion of taxes and regulations and paper work. I would like to have a 10th Amendment on steroids – which would somehow crusade our country and our jurisprudence to think our federal structure, and realize that the primal government is limited and that powers are reserved to u.s..

For case, the Marketplace Fairness Act that nosotros merely passed in the Senate was all near whether Washington will permit states to set their own taxation policy. That shouldn't even be an issue in my opinion under the tenth Subpoena.
Sen. Lamar Alexander (R-TN)

Americans oftentimes talk most their "right" to vote. The reality – noted in cases like Bush five. Gore – is that no affirmative federal correct to vote exists. Instead, courts often defer to land-based voting laws and administration. Although Americans vote for one president, one U.S. representative, and usually one U.S. senator, every one of the greater than 3,000 counties in the U.s.a. can administer federal elections in a unique (and oft inefficient) manner.

 While it wouldn't be an instant cure-all, a ramble amendment conferring a right to vote and empowering Congress to enforce that correct would provide voters with heightened legal protections and set the stage for standards that heighten the voting experience for all Americans, regardless of where they live.
Joshua Field , deputy managing director, Legal Progress at the Heart for American Progress

I would similar to see an amendment requiring a balanced "principal" upkeep, which means that the cost of servicing the national debt would be excluded.

Information technology should comprise a provision that Congress must reduce spending proportionately across areas of the federal upkeep and that taxation increases must maintain the present progressivity of the taxation lawmaking, phased in inside ten years of the amendment'due south passage.

Without a constitutional mandate, politicians and other citizens simply will not have the will to make the changes necessary to address our looming fiscal crunch.
Steve Bong , senior director at the Bipartisan Policy Middle

If I could better the Constitution, I would add a provision catastrophe lifetime tenure for federal courts, especially the Supreme Court. I would supervene upon it with a long, nonrenewable term of no more than than twenty years. Furthermore, I believe the Chief Justice should not hold this position for life, but for a 4-year term that would exist renewable.

This reform would reduce the intensity of contend on courtroom nominations because the stakes wouldn't be so high; information technology would reduce pressure to appoint young judges who will spend the maximum corporeality of time on the courtroom; it would reduce force per unit area on federal judges to avoid retirement lest a member of the opposite party appoint their replacement; and it would bring fresh blood and thinking into the judicial organisation.

A June seven, 2012 CBS News/New York Times poll found threescore percent of people like-minded that lifetime appointments gives judges too much power versus 33 per centum who said it is a skilful thing because it makes judges contained.
Bruce Bartlett , former deputy banana Treasury secretary for economical policy; columnist for The Financial Times

Several major conservative thinkers suggested that the Constitution does not demand to exist changed, just rather to have its principle of limited government guide both Congress and the president.

Michael Cannon at the Cato Establish noted that the Fourth Amendment protects confronting warrantless searches, "yet the National Security Agency tracks everybody with Congress' tacit if not explicit consent."

Instead of an subpoena, Tom Miller of the American Enterprise Institute said the Constitution needs "a better glossary to ascertain and restrain the many open up-concluded words and phrases in the Constitution's actual text that provide wide latitude for judicial reinterpretation and expansion far beyond their original meaning."

Here is the rationale from Matt Kibbe , president and CEO of FreedomWorks:
The Constitution and the Bill of Rights don't need whatever additions or changes – they merely need to exist applied consistently throughout regime in social club to really work. The responsibleness lies with "Nosotros the People" to concord our elected officials answerable to defending those rights at every turn.

A truly constitutionally-limited government would non be almost $17 trillion in debt because there would be no unconstitutional bailouts, health intendance takeovers or farm subsidies. Energy plants would non be closing their doors, considering pollution would be managed through individual property rights and not arbitrary regulations.

The IRS would not have the discretionary power required to discriminate against Americans based on their political beliefs, and innocent civilians would exist protected from unreasonable searches and seizures by Homeland Security and the NSA.

The Federal Reserve would non devalue the dollar, considering the Fed wouldn't exist – there would exist no regime-induced blast and bust. The president would non outcome so many executive orders, because just Congress would take the power to legislate.

The essence of the American Constitution was the creation of a document of non governance. It says what government cannot practise – non what it can do. The government cannot regulate speech, association, religion, press, and gun buying.\

The 22nd Amendment does regulate what the people can do, namely elect a president equally frequently as they like. It was passed by Republicans as soon equally they could, not wanting to put upwards with another FDR. Of grade, information technology backfired equally ill-considered things often exercise, as they could not elect Ike or Reagan to a 3rd term.

As long as representatives tin can be elected and re-elected with impunity, then then, too, should presidents.
Craig Shirley , historian and Ronald Reagan biographer

I hate alteration the Constitution equally a general thing.

But we take no program in place to go the House of Representatives and Senate up and running quickly if there is a terrorist attack that kills or disables enough people that you fall below a quorum. The only effective way to deal with this is to have a constitutional amendment that would enable emergency interim appointments.
Norman Ornstein , resident scholar at the American Enterprise Institute

I'd advise a Universal National Service amendment – a ramble requirement that all able-bodied Americans ages 18 to 26 devote at least 2 years to the service of their nation. They could select a service action from among a wide diverseness of U.S. military branches, civilian government (national, state, and local), and qualifying non-profit options. The details are in my book, A More Perfect Constitution.

In essence, it would be a Bill of Responsibilities to accompany the Bill of Rights. Everyone should contribute something of themselves, non simply taxes, to the nation that has long been a beacon of promise and the green-eyed of the world.
Larry Sabato , Academy of Virginia political scientist

To get elected and to stay elected, politicians at present have to spend much of their time raising coin and, thereby, becoming appreciative to donors. The current system is, past its very nature, corrupt and those who entrada are near inescapably corrupted.

The subpoena should qualify Congress to regulate and finance primary and full general elections for the presidency, the House, and the Senate. It should require that all private contributors be listed past proper noun within a thing of days. The diction should allow direct funding for campaigns, public funds to friction match private contributions, caps on total campaign spending, bars on entrada spending by outside groups.
Henry Aaron , senior fellow at the Brookings Institution

Brianna Ehley, David Francis, Maureen Mackey and Eric Pianin of The Fiscal Times contributed reporting.


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